Eligibility and Selection Procedure for MSc in Pondicherry UniversityMSc in Applied Geology: B.A./ B.Sc. (Hons) three years course in Psychology withat least 55% marks or Bachelor's degree with at least 55%marks in aggregate in any discipline with Psychology asone of the subjects for all three years.
MSc in Biochemistry &Molecular Biology: Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry/ B.Sc. (M.L.T.)/Chemistry/ Zoology/ Biotechnology / Microbiology witha minimum of 55% of marks.
MSc in Bioinformatics: Bachelor’s degre in any relevant area of Physics/Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Life Sciences/ with aminimum of 55% of marks.
MSc in Biotechnology: Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/ Biochemistry/Biotechnology/ Botany/ Microbiology/ VeterinaryScience/ Zoology or in other related areas with aminimum of 55% of marks.
MSc in Chemistry: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry with a minimum of 55%of marks in Part III. Candidates should have studiedMaths at +2 level.
MSc in Computer Science: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ Applications/Information Technology any other equivalent coursewith a minimum of 55% of marks.
MSc in DisasterManagement: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline in Science/ B.A.Geography/ B.E. Civil Engineering / Electricaland Electronics Engineering with a minimum of55% of marks.
MSc in Ecology &EnvironmentalSciences: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline, i.e. in Science, Arts,Humanities, Technology, etc. with a minimum of55% of marks and working knowledge of Mathematicsand Science subjects at higher secondary level.
MSc in Electronic Media: Bachelor’s degree with 55% of marks in ElectronicMedia/ Journalism / Visual Communication/Visual Arts/Performing Arts/Sciences ORBachelor’s Degree in any discipline with a minimumof 55% of marks with one year Diploma in ComputerApplication.
MSc in Food Scienceand Nutrition: Bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition/ FoodTechnology/ Food Science/ Clinical Nutrition andDietetics of Composite/ General Home Science/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology /Microbiology/ Chemistry/Agriculture/ dairy / fisheries at B.Sc./ BAMS with aminimum of 55% marks.
MSc in Food Science and Technology: B.Sc./ B.Tech in Agriculture/ Agricultural Engineering/Food Technology/Home Science/Food Scienceand Nutrition/Food Science and Quality Control/Clinical Nutrition/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Microbiology. Mathematics at +1/+2// P.U.C level iscompulsory(emempted for students with B.Sc/B.TechFood Science and Technology/Food Technology).
MSc in Marine Biology: Bachelor’s Degree in Botany / Biochemistry /Biotechnology / Fisheries and Aquaculture / Microbiology/ Zoology with a minimum of 55% marks.
MSc in Mathematics: Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with a minimum of55% of marks.
MSc in Microbiology: Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology / Biotechnology/Botany/ Biochemistry/B.Sc., MLT/ Zoology/ or in anyother branch of Life Sciences with a minimum of 55%of marks,
MSc in Physics: Bachelor’s degree in Physics with Mathematics andChemistry as ancillaries and a minimum of 55% of marks.
MSc in Quantitative Finance: A candidate who has secured 55% marks or abovein any one of the following or equivalent is eligibleto apply. B. Sc. (Maths), B. Sc. (Statistics), B.Com(with Mathematics), B.A(Eco) (With Mathematics),Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Computer Science &Engineering/ Information Technology) or Bachelor’sdegree in Computer Science/Computer Applications/Information Technology.
MSc in Statistics: Bachelor’s degree in Statistics or Mathematics withMathematical Statistics as a allied subject with a minimumof 55% of marks.
Selection Process: Entrance Test.