TAPMI is located in Manipal, Manipal is at a distance of 403 kms from the capital city Bengaluru and an hour's journey by road from Mangalore on NH 66. Manipal has one of the most sophisticated bus transport systems. State-owned Volvo AC buses ply from Mangalore frequently, besides a host of private buses. State owned KSRTC buses as well as many private buses depart from Bengaluru every night and reach Manipal the next morning. If you are driving from Bengaluru, take NH 4 out of Bengaluru, turn left at Nelamangala and enter NH 18 to get to Mangalore and drive north on NH 66 to get to Manipal. Manipal is at a distance of about 893 kms from Mumbai and buses from Manipal ply on NH 66.