Rashtriya Raksha University, India (Formerly Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India).
Rashtriya Raksha University offers academic, research and professional degree, post-graduate diploma and diploma programs in various subjects along with an opportunity to truly pursue a multi-disciplinary approach through the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) under the following schools:
(1) School of Internal Security and Police Administration
(2) School of Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence & Cyber Security
(3) School of Forensic Science and Risk Management
(4) School of Criminology and Behavioural Science
(5) School of Foreign Affairs, Languages and Political Economy
(6) School of Law, Humanities and Social Sciences
(7) School of Physical Education, Sports and NCC
(8) School of Coastal, Maritime, Air and Space Security
(9) School of Military Affairs, Strategy and Logistics
(10) School of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology