Application Procedure for MPT in Baba Farid University of Health Sciences
Reach to the Registrar Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Sadiq Road, Faridkot by 14th September2017 Alongwith Bank Draft of Rs. 5000/-(2500/- for SC candidates). Counseling will be held on 18th September2017 at Auditorium, GGS Medical College, Faridkot
ENCLOSURES- Self Attested Copies:
1. All Detailed Marks certificates of qualifying examination i.e. BPT examination.
2. Internship completion certificate.
3. Degree of BPT or equivalent Certificate.
4. Certificate that BPT examination has been passed as a regular student from a recognized
Institution /Board/University in the state of Punjab or other State.
5. Board/Exemption certificate under clause 7 (a) to (e) of Punjab Govt. Notification, in case BPT passed
from outside Punjab.
6. Matriculation certification showing Date of Birth.
7. Character/ Conduct certificate from the Institution last attended.
8. Punjab Residence Certificate.
9. Certificate of Reserved category from the competent authority, if any reservation is claimed.
10. Gap in studies undertaking, if applicable.
11. Migration certificate, if passed BPT or equivalent from Board/University other than BFUHS, Faridkot.
12. Bank Demand Draft in original