SSN College of Engineering (SSNCE)
College offers B.Tech. (Chemical Engineeing), B.E. ( Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Bio-Medical Engineering, Civil Engineering),
M.Tech. (Information Technology, Environmental Science and Technology)
M.E. (Communication Systems, Computer Science and Engineering, Applied Electronics, Power Electronics and Drives, VLSI Design, Software Engineering, Energy Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Medical Electronics)
Selection Process
Candidate should pass entrance test to get admission in above mentioned programs
Admission Process
Application process fee Rs. 950/-
Candidates who wish to apply need not pay the application processing fees at the time of making the application.
Send filled-in form to:
The Administrative Officer, SSN Institutions, 211/95, V.M.Street, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004.
Attachments that must be sent compulsorily with application form:
1. Copy of entrance score sheet
2. Copies of attested educational certificates and mark sheets (X, XII and semester-wise UG).