i) Every Student who is allotted to the college by the Convenor of LAWCET has to pay Rs. 9,600/- at the time of admission into First Year of LL.B. 3 year : (the fee amount is likely to be revised shortly)
Rs. 9,600.00 Annual Tuition Fee
Rs. 100.00 Payable to BCI
Rs. 500.00 Refundable Library Deposit
Rs. 2,250.00 other fees
The total annual fee has to be paid at the time of admission. The annual fee for 2nd year and 3rd year of 3 YDC shall be Rs. 10,600.00.
Fee once paid shall not be refunded for any reason. However, students are entitled to request for refund of Library deposit at the time of obtaining a Transfer Certificate from the College.
ii) All the final year students have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 200/- for conducting practical training and viva-voce examinations.
iii) Every student who is eligible for promotion to the next higher class has to apply in the prescribed form for admission into that class within 15 days of the publication of the results of annual examination, along with a copy of the relevant memorandum of marks with the annual fee.
iv) A student has to pay the following Fee to obtain Duplicate Identity Card Rs. 50.00 Duplicate Library Card Rs. 30.00